Dear Alena,
Thanking you and your team at RMCS for making the transition to your system a breeze. As you are aware my main concern was with a couple of staff members who have been apart of our business for over 20 years and lack of experience with technology. Your commitment to put their concerns at ease, definitely had an influence in my decision to finally make the move to a computerised POS System.
Twelve months on and the system, with your support, is fulfilling my expectations. Your ability to listen and where possible, implement changes to the system to make it personalised to my needs, makes it that much easier for our team to report back to me with their best sellers, colours and size break up.
Probably the most satisfying aspect of introducing RMCS to our business is the confidence my staff have found to adapt technology they have never been apart of. Comments from “If you go computerised I might have to rethink if I can work in the shop anymore” to “I’m so proud of myself that within a couple of months I can use a computer with ease”.
We all can now appreciate the important aspects of our business from knowing, via customer history, how much our main customers invest in our business plus what we need to indent with our best preforming suppliers to restocking reports.
I have no hesitation in recommending RMCS to any other business that are either stuck in the pen to paper era or upgrading their current system. Once again Alena thank you and your team.
Frank Molinaro
Moda In Fashion![]()